How are the following people (in China 1800 to 1850) connected to our
Surgeon with the HEIC in Macao China Merchant in Macao China Captain of the HEIC Opium Store Ships
All of the paintings above were painted by George Chinnery the famous artist in Macao China
Thomas Richardson COLLEDGE (11 June 1797 – 28 October 1879)
was an English surgeon with the East India Company at Guangzhou (Canton) who served part-time as the first medical missionary in China, and played a role in establishing the Canton Hospital. In 1837 he founded and served as the first president of the Medical Missionary Society of China.
Capt John Fish's wife MARY COLLEDGE, was the sister of Thomas Richardson Colledge.
Lancelot DENT was a 19th-century British merchant resident for a period in Canton, China who dealt primarily in opium. He was christened on August 4, 1799 in Crosby Ravensworth, Westmorland, England, son of William and Jane (Wilkinson) Dent. Lancelot took over as senior partner of the trading house Dent & Co.
Capt John Fish married Mary Colledge who had a son from Lancelot Dent, Lancelot Dent adopted the child in 1843 in Kilsby at his baptism. The child is named John Dent Fish at his baptism in 1843 at Kilsby England. Rev John Dent Fish also names his son Lancelot John Fish.
Captain John C CROCKETT born 1 Dec 1786 Buckingham England - nationality British. Parents John & Ann CROCKETT died 25 Jun
1837 at Campsing Moon Macao China age 50 burial no 87 location Lower Section. In command of an opium stores ship at LinTin Macao
Capt John Fish lived in the same street as Capt John C Crockett ie in Sussex Place Slough in 1833 and our Capt John Fish
appears in the last Will & Testament of Capt John C Crockett in 1838. Capt John Fish also names his second son "John Crockett"
1837 at Campsing Moon Macao China age 50 burial no 87 location Lower Section. In command of an opium stores ship at LinTin Macao
Capt John Fish lived in the same street as Capt John C Crockett ie in Sussex Place Slough in 1833 and our Capt John Fish
appears in the last Will & Testament of Capt John C Crockett in 1838. Capt John Fish also names his second son "John Crockett"
It took the analysis of 10 Wills and testaments and countless documents from the BRITISH LIBRARY (FIBIS) and from many other archives around the world and 2 years to unravel the connections between our families. It turned out to be a wonderful adventurous detective story, full of twists and turns, dead ends, etc etc.
In the end it all made sense, we have all the documentation to prove all the linkages, its a solid facts based assessment.
Well, it all started in Macao China in 1827, a young lady by the name of Mary Colledge was visiting her famous brother the Surgeon Thomas Richardson Colledge in Macao, we understand Macao became a famous holiday destination for the "Well to do" in the late 1700's early 1800's. We gather she was romanced by lancelot Dent the very wealthy merchant in Macao and friend of her brother Thomas Richardson Colledge. It transpires that Mary Colledge has a child from Lancelot Dent, I assume the child was named John Dent in 1828 because in 1833 when our Capt John Fish marries Mary Colledge the child is adopted by Capt John Fish who becomes his legal gardian. The child is renamed John Dent Fish.
The first documented data we have of the father of John Dent Fish is shown below in the 1843 Kilsby baptism register for John Dent Fish "the adopted son of Lancelot Dent Esquire Merchant in Canton China"
Another reference is made when he marries Henrietta Barnes Chesterman in 1860 at the parish church in South Banbury.
In October 1861 Henrietta dies tragically. She dies a few months after her son Lancelot John Fish is born.
John Dent Fish Marries Mary Field in 1867. In the Marriage record at South Banbury Lancelot Dent is named by John Dent Fish as his father again.
The next reference is in the Last Will and Testament of Lancelot Dent 1853. The Rev John Dent Fish is executor of Lancelot's Will. (1st page of Lancelot's will below)
Lancelot bequeaths £10000 to The Rev John Dent Fish of Christchurch Banbury.
Lancelot also bequeaths £5000 to John Dent Fish's step brother John Fish (John Crockett Fish who is studying at Cambridge University) the second son of Capt John Fish & Mary Fish (nee Colledge). (2nd page of Lancelot's will below), both children studied at Cambridge University.

CAPT John Fish bap 4 Aug 1797 - Died 1856
TIMELINE - Captain John FISH
1797 Age 0 — Birth 15 JUL 1797 • New Windsor, Berkshire, England
1797 6 AUG • Baptism St Johns Church New Windsor Berkshire
1804 Age 6 — Birth of Brother William Fish (1804–1875)
27 JAN 1804 • Windsor Berkshire England
27 JAN 1804 • Windsor Berkshire England
1825 Age 28 — Death of Father Robert Fish (– 1825)
4 DEC 1825 • Broad lane Winkfield aged 56
4 DEC 1825 • Broad lane Winkfield aged 56
1828 Age 31 — Birth of Step Son John Dent Fish (1828–1868)
Sep 1828 • Macao, Tongcheng, Anhui, China
Sep 1828 • Macao, Tongcheng, Anhui, China
1830 Age 32 — Death of Brother James William Fish (1794–1830)
4 March 1830 • Berkshire, England
4 March 1830 • Berkshire, England
1831 april 8th A Mr Fish is listed in Harriett Low’s journal printed in Lights and Shadows of a Macao Life: The journal of Harriett Low, travelling spinster, edited Nan P. Hodges) on 8th April 1830 when she lists the attendees at a big party thrown by Mr Blight in Macau. People at the party include the famous English painter Mr George Chinnery,Mr Wilkinson, Mr Turner Mr Beale and others.
1833 Capt John Fish living at 14 Sussex Place Slough in 1833 - this is important for the connection to Capt John Crockett who also lives in Sussex Place. Our Capt John Fish is also a beneficiary of the will of Capt John Crockett. The second son of Capt John Fish and Mary (nee Colledge) named their son John Crockett Fish - "John Crockett" from their friends name Capt John Crockett. Cpt John Crockett was Capt of the Opium Storage boats in Linton Macau for Lancelot Dents Fleet of Ships.
1833 Age 36 — Marriage - Mary Colledge (1803–1872)
24 SEP 1833 • Kilsby St Faith, KILSBY, England.On tuesday the 24th instant, at Kilsby in this county, by the rev Charles Gillbee, John Fish, Esq of Datchet, Bucks late Captain of the Hon E I Company's service, to Mary second daughter of Mr Colledge of the former place. PUBLICATION FROM KILSBY NORTHAMP
24 SEP 1833 • Kilsby St Faith, KILSBY, England.On tuesday the 24th instant, at Kilsby in this county, by the rev Charles Gillbee, John Fish, Esq of Datchet, Bucks late Captain of the Hon E I Company's service, to Mary second daughter of Mr Colledge of the former place. PUBLICATION FROM KILSBY NORTHAMP
1834 Age 37 — Birth of Son John Crockett Fish (1834–1889)
14th September 1834 • Datchet, Buckingham- shire, England
14th September 1834 • Datchet, Buckingham- shire, England
1841 Age 44 — Residence 1841 CENSUS
Upton Cum Chalvey, Buckinghamshire, England
Upton Cum Chalvey, Buckinghamshire, England
1842-1844 Pigott Directory as resident and listed under Nobility, Gentry & Clergy is John Fish - Slough
1851 Age 54 — 1851 CENSUS Capt John Fish a visitor in household in Kilsby Northamptonshire
1852 Capt John Fish living in Slough and his step son John Dent Fish holds stock 1852 in the East India Company.
Ref: India office and Burma Office lists. British Library
1852 Capt John Fish living in Slough and his step son John Dent Fish holds stock 1852 in the East India Company.
Ref: India office and Burma Office lists. British Library
1853 8th December - the gg grandfather of Nick Dent, Thomas Wilkinson John Dent went to Lancelot Dent‘s funeral on 8th December 1853 at Crosby Ravensworth and records in his diary that “the Colledges, Capt Fish, JD Fish” were amongst the people at the funeral. There isn’t a diary for 1868, the year of JDF’s death.
1854 Captain John Fish & his step son Rev John Dent Fish are both Freemasons at The RUGBY Lodge of Rectitude
1854 Captain John Fish & his step son Rev John Dent Fish are both Freemasons at The RUGBY Lodge of Rectitude
1855 13.6 Fish's going to Paris too (with the Dent Family)… From the Diary of TWJ Dent - year 1855.
1855 - 1856 Capt John Fish is in Bengal he is in the Lodge of Rectitude in Rugby alone with his son Rev John Dent Fish. I know Capt John Fish has been in Bengal India before this also.
1857 Capt John Fish resident in Kilsby - The 1857 Pollbook list him as resident in Kilsby.
1858 Capt John Fish resident in Kilsby - The 1857 Pollbook list him as resident in Kilsby.
1861 Age 64 — 1861 CENSUS Capt John Fish is Resident in Kilsby
Kilsby, Northamptonshire, England BORN New Windsor Berkshire
1862 14.8 Charlotte [Thompson nee Dent, TWJD’s sister] lunched with Major Fish’s -From the Diary of Thomas Wilkinson John Dent. I would interpret Major Fish's as Capt John Fish, his son Rev John Dent Fish, possibly Dr John Crockett Fish and possibly Lancelot John Fish (son of Rev John Dent Fish). I can't speculate on whether their wives may have been with them??
1865 Age 67 — Death30 mar 1865 • Warwickshire, United Kingdom
1865 Age 67 — Burial 30 Mar 1865
Kilsby, Northamptonshire, England
Kilsby, Northamptonshire, England
St John Baptist - Windsor Parish Church c1760 by Margaret Yardley, ARCA
John Fish Baptised here on the 6 Aug 1797 (see above index)
Capt John Fish Married Mary Colledge 1833 Kilsby England
Capt John Fish was born in New Windsor Berkshire - see 1851 & 1861 census images below,
This is crucial, as it connects Capt John Fish to our family, this is the vital evidence we have been looking for, for so long. This is the only John Fish born then in New Windsor Church, see the New Windsor church register for baptisms above.
The document below shows Capt John Fish living at 14 Sussex Place Slough in 1833 - this is important for the connection to Capt John Crockett who also lives in Sussex Place. Our Capt John Fish is also a beneficiary of the will of Capt John Crockett. The second son of Capt John Fish and Mary (nee Colledge) named their son John Crockett Fish - "John Crockett" from their friends name Capt John Crockett.
Capt John Fish and his step son John Dent Fish holds stock 1852 in the East India Company.
Ref: India office and Burma Office lists. British Library
I think these are the corresponding properties as they are today taken from Google Earth Maps
John Crockett Fish Property for auction in 1881 in Kilsby (his parents property he inherited)
1854 Captain John Fish & his son Rev John Dent Fish are both Freemasons at The RUGBY Lodge of Rectitude
in 1855 - 1856 Capt John Fish is in Bengal (see above) he is in the Lodge of Rectitude in Rugby alone with his son Rev John Dent Fish. I know Capt John Fish has been in Bengal India before, but I can't find the data yet, I also know that his elder brother Capt James William Fish came to Bengal in 1814 on the HEIC ship The ASIA as a FREE MARINER. (see Capt James William Fish web page)
Capt John Fish buried 1865 at St Faiths Church in Kilsby, I have visited this Church and can't find the grave of John Fish or his wife Mary Fish (nee Colledge).
1865 - Will of Capt John Fish
1865 - Will of Capt John Fish
People mentioned in the will
John Crocket Fish son & sole executor Northampton
Mary Fish - his wife
1865 Will of Captain John Fish
Page 1 of 4
On the second day of May 1865,
The Will of John Fish late of
Kilsby in the county of Northampton
Deceased who died on the 23rd day of March 1865,
Was proved in the district registry attached to her Majesty’s Court of Probate
At Northampton by the oath of
John Crockett Fish formerly of Gonville
And Cauis Colledge Cambridge afterwards
Of the Colledge Saint Bartholomews
Hospital in the City of London Medical
Student, and now of Kilsby in the said
County of Northampton Gentlemen, the
Son of the said deceased, .... of the
Executor therein named he having been first sworn duly to administer. The
Reverend John Dent Fish the other executor, having .......... the Probate and execution
Of the said Will
Effects under £6000. No leasehold
Extracted by: .. Matthew Bloxham
Rugby Court of Probate Northampton
Page 2 of 4
of one John Fish of Kilsby in the county of
Northampton Esquire. I appoint my son John Crockett
Fish late of Gonville Cauis Colledge Cambridge and now
of the Colledge Saint Bartholomews Hospital in the city of
London Medical student and the Reverend John Dent Fish
of Banbury in the County of Oxford Clerk ... ... Executors
of this Will. I direct my just debts and funeral and
Testamentary expenses to be paid by my said executor
I bequeath the household furniture plate linen and China
Glass liquors.... and housekeeping.... of which I shall ....
Possessed to my dear wifeMary Fish absolutely and I also
Bequeath to my said wife one hundred pounds for her immediate use to be paid within after my decease
I devise my dwelling house with the garden and orchard
Now in my own occupation ..... my said wife for her residence for and during her life, and I devise that the.... fees
And expenses of and Meriden... to the ad...hence (if any) of
My said wife to the said dwelling house and garden and orchard shall be paid by my executors ... of my personal Estate
I bequeath to my said son John Crockett Fish and John
Dent Fish all my India Stock and also one thousand pounds
New three per centrum? Consolidated Bank annuities standing in
My ..... in the books of the governor and company of
The Bank of England upon trust that the said John Crockett
Fish and John Dent Fish and the survivor of them and the executor and administrators of such forward? shall with the
Consent of my said wife either continue those stocks or sums of
Money or any part thereof and invest
Page 3 of 4
Of act of Parliament or of any other?? Foreign Government or
State and May from time to time with such consent as aforesaid
Vary or transpose such stocks funds shares or securities unto
Or for others of the same or a like nature and shall pay
The interest dividends and income of all my said India stock
And the said one thousand pounds new three per cent...p
Per annum consolidated bank annuities and of the stocks
Funds shares and securities in or upon which the same may be invested to be computed from my decease unto my said
Wife during her life. I devise and bequeath all the real
Estate of or to which I shall at my decease be possessed of
Entitled (except estates vested in me as trusted or Mortagee)
And subject as to my said dwelling house and garden and
Orchard to the life estate therein of my said wife under the
Devise herein before contained and I bequeath the residue
Of all the money securities for money goods chaltels and
Personal Estate of or to which I shall then be possessed or entitled
(Including my said India Stock and the said sum of one
Thousand pounds new three per centinn??? Consolidated bank
Annuities after the deceased of my said wife and my said so John Crockett Fish his heirs executors and
Assigns for his own absolute use and benefit and I devise all
The real estate vested in me as Trusted or mortgaged unto the
Said John Crockett Fish and John Dent Fish their heirs and
Assigns subject to the trusts and equities affecting the same
Respectively and I revoke all other Wills. In witness whereof I the said John Crockett Fish have here...b set my hand
This second day of September one thousand eight hundred and fifty nine.
Signed and declared by the above
Named John Fish and for his
Last Will and Testament in the
presence of us presence at the same
time who at his request in his
Presence and in the presence of each
Other have here.... ..... subscribed .....
Signed by JOHN FISH
Page 4 of 4
Names of witnesses
Proved at Northampton, the 2nd day of May
1865, by the oath of John Crockett Fish the son
One of the executors to whom administration was granted, the Reverend John Dent Fish, Clerk,
the other Executor having renounced the Probate
and execution of the said ......
The testator John Fish was late of Kilsby
In the county of Northampton Esquire and died on
the 23rd of March 1865 at Kilsby aforesaid
Under £6000 Matt W H Bloxham Solicitor Rugby
Married Capt John Fish HEIC Service in 1833 at St Faiths Church in Kilsby Northamptonshire.
Mary Colledge travelled to Macau in the late 1820's on holiday to see her brother.
1872 WILL of MARY Fish nee Colledge
People mentioned in the will
John Crocket fish - son & sole executor
Rev John Dent Fish is in the will but he died 1868 before his mother Mary Fish
Thomas Richardson Colledge (Mary's brother in Cheltenham)
1872 The Will of Mary Fish (nee Colledge) wife of Captain John Fish
Page 1 of 3
On the 18 day of June 1872
The Will of Mary Fish, late of the parish
Of Kilsby in the county of Northampton
Deceased who died on the 20th May 1872
At Kilsby aforesaid
Was proved in the district registry attached to her majesty's court of Probate
At Northampton by the oath of
John Crockett Fish of 92 Wimpole Street
In the county of Middlesex Doctor of Medicine
The son of the said deceased, the sole
Executor therein named he having been first sworn duly to administer
Effects under £600 no leasehold
Extracted by Matt H Bloxam Solicitor Rugby
Page 2 of 3
In the name of god amen, this
Is the last will and testament of me Mary
Fish of Kilsby in the county of Northampton widow as follows
That is to say, i give and bequeath all my personal estate
And effects of what nature or kindsoever an wheresoever which i
May bepossesed of or entitled to the time of my deceased unto
My son John Crockett Fish absolutely he paying the court my just
Debts funeral expenses and the expenses of proving this my Will
But in case my said son John Crockett Fish shall die in my
lifetime without leaving lawful .... Him surviving him then i
Give and bequeath all my personal estate and effects unto
Thomas Richardson Colledge of lawriston house Cheltenham in
The county of Gloucester Esquire and thr Reverend John Dent Fish
Of Northampton in the county of Northampton Clerk equally to be
Divided between them share and share alike and i hereby
Nominate constitute and appoint my said son John Crockett Fish
Sole executor of this my Will hereby revoking and making
all former and other wills by me at any time heretofore .......... And
I do declare this to be my last will and testament inwitness
whereof. i have to this my last Will and testament set in my hand
And seal this 24th day of October in the year of our lord
Signed sealed published and declared
By the said Mary Fish the testatrix as and
For her last Will and testament in the presence
Of us present at the same time who in her
presence at her request and in her presence
of each other have hereunto subscribed our
Names as witnesses
Matt H Bloxam solicitor Rugby
Geo M Leabroke clerk to Mr Bloxam
Proved at Northampton the 18th day of June 1872, by the oath
of John Crockett Fish, Doctor of Medicine, the son
executor to whom administration was granted
The testatrix Mary Fish was late of the parish of Kilsby.
Page 3 of 3
In the county of Northampton widow and died on the
20th day of May 1872 at Kilsby aforesaid
Under £600
Matt H Bloxam Solicitor Rugby
Capt John Crockett born 1786 died 1838 Capsin Moon China
Our Captain John Fish lived in the same street as Capt John C Crockett (Sussex Place Slough) from 1834 to 1836
Our Captain appears in the Last Will & Testament of Capt John C Crockett. Our Capt John Fish names his second child "John Crockett" Fish after his friend Capt John Crockett, who at some point was Capt of the HEIC Shah Byramgore.
Lintin Island Location to Hong Kong & Macao
1837 Will of Capt John C Crockett
Our John Fish named in the Will of Capt John C Crockett
1837 Will of Capt John C Crockett
Our John Fish named in the Will of Capt John C Crockett
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